Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My students think I'm dumb

After reading a journal article published by the National Association of Teachers of English about blogging as a discussion activity for students outside of the classroom, I decided to propose the option to my creative writing students. Energetically, I told them how I had started to blog my own experiences with running, life, and teaching. I mentioned that teachers have been using the concept of blogging in the classroom, and students were posting blogs to discuss reading for the class. I was met with frowns and silence, except for the superstar of the class, who met me with a profound, "I think blogs are dumb." So, instead of trying to answer in my own words, I flipped to the article and used the language of the author. I quoted several passages in which the particular teacher used blogs in the classroom. Instead of an approval, once again I was shot down with a rolling of the eyes that only a teenager can get away with. "I mean, no offense, but who wants to read your journal? You are just publishing your diary." She said it with such conviction that I wondered for a second who had the masters degree and the publication background and who, in fact, was teaching the class. To the class as a whole, I shrugged and said that I thought that it would be a good activity to write everyday. I dropped the subject after that. Aren't kids completely into technology? Aren't blogs the new fad? Did I miss something or are kids completely uninterested in writing anything beyond cryptic text messages? I suppose that complete sentences are no longer "cool." I need to take a brush up class.

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