Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My dancing husband

My husband likes to dance. I guarantee that you will not see him doing the electric slide at a wedding or being the first out on the dance floor at a party. At first I thought he did it as a joke. He would stand up in the middle of our weeknight tv marathon with a beer in one hand while moving his hips in hula hoop fashion. He would giggle like a little kid and then chase Roxie up and down the hall from the kitchen to the living room. Roxie would jump on the furniture; he would jump in place. I, a mere spectator, would laugh.

I know for a fact that his dancing began as a joke but really has become a way for him to release some pent up energy. At first, the nightly dancing was just the two of us practicing our first dance for our wedding. I would be exhausted, content to just lounge in front of the television, while my husband would be jumping up and down begging me to get up and turn and twirl with him to Brad Paisley's "Then." I would, of course, agree, and he would eagerly begin the music. We would perform our practiced dance, sometimes in front of the camera he set up as a video and sometimes in front of the dog, who at that point was just waiting for us to involve her in some twirling. I am convinced that my husband would have practiced that dance twenty times had I not refused after the fifth. Later, he would search youtube for the perfect dance moves that we could incorporate into our choreography.

Like my husband, dancing is also my passion. In fact, on our wedding night I did not leave the dance floor once. I danced to all of the songs. My dancing partners varied and during some songs, it was just me, a glass of champagne and my wedding dress twirling from one end of the dance floor to the other. My husband, of course, refused to dance to any song after our first dance. His friends agreed, nodding, saying that they weren't big dancers either. I just shook my head and laughed, picturing his solo performances in front of the television. In front of his friends, he might be a tough guy. But, Roxie and I knew better. My husband and I both loved to move and shake. But, while I admitted my passion, my husband was a dancer in disguise.

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